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Gladiolus Callianthus Murielae Flower Bulbs


VENDOR: Ruby Acorn


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06 Flower Bulbs
12 Flower Bulbs
24 Flower Bulbs

Delightfully fragrant, Gladiolus callianthus murielae (Abyssinian Sword-Lily) is a real eye-popper! Featuring 2-3ft. long sword shaped, medium green leaves and producing, in successive blooms, ten magnificent snowy white, star-like blossoms with a prominent purple blotch at their heart. She really packs a punch and is a terrific choice for borders or containers.

Also known as 'Peacock Orchids,' her funnel-shaped lovely flowers will delight you, making them a favorite for cut flowers and a party for your eyes. When planted in large groups they create a breathtaking feature in your garden. Native to Ethiopia and Madagascar, her exotic flowers are well-spaced and have a luscious graceful appearance. A delightful must-have addition to your garden, brimming with whimsy, vivid beauty and genuine happiness, Gladiolus 'Callianthus Murielae' Acidanthera will captivate you with her vibrant exotic look. Plant your bulbs in the early spring, in full sun, using well-drained soil. Plant in a sheltered location to protect her from strong winds.

She is a sun-lover and a favorite for beds and borders, adding panache and happiness to your garden.

Gladiolus 'Callianthus Murielae' Acidanthera is easy to grow in organically rich medium-moisture well-drained soil.

We package our bulbs carefully and ship them quickly from our greenhouse to you. They arrive safely, ready to plant and thrive in your garden! Because we want your plant to thrive, we include detailed planting instructions with your purchase to help you get started.

Ruby Acorn is happy to offer Gladiolus 'Callianthus Murielae' Acidanthera bulbs. Please refer to the listing photos to see the actual product you will receive.

Type: Perennial, grows back every year

Height: 24 - 36 Inches

Spread: 5 - 6 Inches

Hardiness Zones: 7 - 11

Sunlight: Full Sun

Water Requirements: Average Water Needs, provide consistent moisture during growing season and do not allow the soil to dry out. After flowering watering may be reduced.

Plant: In the Spring as soon as soil can be worked and the danger of frost is gone, use organically rich, medium moisture, well-draining soil.

Bloomtime: Late Summer or Early Fall

Resists: Deer


Flower Color

Gladiolus Callianthus Murielae Flower Bulbs

Gladiolus Callianthus Murielae Flower Bulbs

06 Flower Bulbs
12 Flower Bulbs
24 Flower Bulbs